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Recipe for success: advocating for rental, investing in your people

Hello, my fellow American Rental Association (ARA) members in Region Nine. I am excited to share that the ARA of Hawaii Task Force offered its first State Legislative Day on April 11, with the ARA of California following up on May 1. All these efforts show rental in action — something we can all be proud of. Learn more in my message as well as steps to make this summer a great one.  

Companies offer mental health awareness and resources

Whereas mental health was once a taboo subject at many workplaces, rental operations from around the country now realize it is a real issue that can impact the overall health of their employees along with the status of their businesses. See what steps both large and small rental operators are taking to raise awareness as well as offer vital services to help those in need.

Angie Venekamp, your ARA regional director, signs off

This is it — my final message as your American Rental Association (ARA) Region Ten director. They aren’t kidding when they say that the three-year term in this role goes by in the blink of an eye! I am so proud that my term has been surrounded by the progress made through the ARA of Canada initiative. Take a look at what we have accomplished on behalf of our Canadian members.

Equipment rental industry remains resilient

Equipment rental revenue, comprised of the construction/industrial and general tool segments, is expected to grow by 7.1 percent in 2024 to reach a record total of nearly $76.6 billion, topping the nearly $71.5 billion recorded in 2023, according to the latest forecast released in early November by the American Rental Association (ARA).

Darick Hemphill, ARA of Missouri president, presents a timely new ARA benefit

Hello, ARA Region Six members. I’m Darick Hemphill from General Rental Center, Springfield, Mo., and the president of the ARA of Missouri. It’s a hectic time of year, and our phones can ring off the hook with customers looking to book rentals. While this is good, please remember that a bad phone interaction can make or break a rental. This is the time to ensure your staff is in top shape with their telephone skills.