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AI and your marketing strategy

By Connie Lannan

April 3, 2024

It seems like artificial intelligence (AI) is infiltrating almost every aspect of business. That includes your marketing strategy, according to David McBee, internet marketing consultant with, based in Olathe, Kan.

“It’s great for creating ideas,” he says. “For example, I can ask ChatGPT to give me 10 really good blog article ideas for a rental business in January in Kansas. It will offer some great and some bad ideas. A rental operator can either write a blog on the really good ideas or ask ChatGPT to write a blog. The important part is to not copy and paste the exact text into your website. You will need to massage it to make it more ‘human’ because you can tell when Chat GPT has written something.”

Another possibility would be to ask ChatGPT for 20 ideas for a Facebook post to reach brides. “It will give you ideas and direction like a project manager,” McBee says, adding that, “As far as generating ideas, it is brilliant.”

The third way ChatGPT can come in handy is by helping you describe a product on your website in great detail. “Google will see that description differently than what the manufacturer has offered,” he says.

Again, a word of caution, McBee notes. Don’t take just any copy that is generated at face value. Review it and rework it to make sure it is accurate and sounds like something a human being would say.

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