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Vermeer utility locator

By Stephen Elliott

April 23, 2023

Vermeer utility locatorThe Vermeer Verifier™ G3+ utility locator from Vermeer, Pella, Iowa, pairs with smartphones using the G3+ Map mobile app (available for IOS and Android) to plot location information, including depth, current index, GPS data, utility type, device name and the operator who performed the work. The data-capturing ability of the locator allows contractors and utility owners to capture and store information about construction products. The locator can determine underground current direction against adjacent signals from other utilities.  

It can detect ambient noise so the operator can switch to a different frequency for a particular job site. Operators can adjust transmitter frequency and power outputs from up to 500 ft. away using a wireless connection. Saved data from the locator is transferred using Bluetooth 5.0 to the G3+ Map app. The data also can be uploaded to the Vermeer Projects bore planning tool. The product offers operators three locating modes: peak, peak/null and null. It has a water-resistant, one-size-fits-all coil clamp that does not need to encircle a utility to induce a signal.