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Manitou tree saw

The Woodcracker® tree saw with grapple configuration from Manitou, West Bend, Wis., is available on three Manitou rotating telehandlers and is designed to improve performance in tree and limb removal operations, the company said.

Companies offer mental health awareness and resources

Whereas mental health was once a taboo subject at many workplaces, rental operations from around the country now realize it is a real issue that can impact the overall health of their employees along with the status of their businesses. See what steps both large and small rental operators are taking to raise awareness as well as offer vital services to help those in need.

Digital marketing essentials: Three pillars for high ROI and online growth

In the competitive landscape of the rental industry, where national players command massive advertising budgets and offer streamlined e-commerce experiences, independent rental companies must leverage efficient growth strategies to capture market share. With the majority of renters engaging with a rental company’s website during the rental process — sometimes as high as 80 percent of renters — it is imperative that rental companies are driving eyeballs and traffic to their website.