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2024 Market Movers: ENCON Equipment

By Emily Weidner

June 6, 2024

President Jordan Mitchell and Executive Vice President Doug Elliott

Two partners set their sights on two objectives: expanding their team and fueling revenue growth. That was the plan for ENCON Equipment, based in Nicholasville, Ky., as President Jordan Mitchell, and Executive Vice President and Founding Partner Doug Elliott began fulfilling this mission upon acquiring the company in February 2023. Since then, rentals spanning from hammer drills to excavators have been flying out the door.

“The main reason we’ve been able to grow is the people that Doug has brought in,” says Jordan. “There were three employees here a year ago and there are now 18 employees. That’s due to Doug’s efforts to bring in a team that was second to none and able to take care of customers.”

Elliot’s determination to obtain quality employees stems from his extensive rental experience while Jordan is a self-proclaimed “serial entrepreneur” in the construction industry.

The pair believes that employee and customer experience go hand in hand. This mindset of employee satisfaction has strengthened customer relationships, resulting in significant manpower and revenue growth.

“I would put this team up against any team of 15 or 20 anywhere and feel very confident that we’d succeed. Then our marketing efforts, it’s Fortune 500-level type marketing. We’re lucky that our Director of Marketing, Emily [Mitchell], has been willing to work with us and help us grow,” says Jordan.

Emily also has been along for the ride, playing an integral part in staff and business development.

“Doug and Jordan have been around the industry for years and really saw what did work and didn’t work. It’s a perfect storm of the right people, in the right positions that are fueling our growth. And I truly believe we’re just getting started,” she says.

The team has invested in quality equipment and rental technologies, which Jordan says adds to “employees’ comfort level and ability to go out and interact with customers.”

“We’re very contagious,” Elliot says. “From an internal and external perspective, people want to do business with us, whether that’s work for us or trade with us.”

With the team’s two objectives being fulfilled, they still acknowledge the foundation that was already in place.

“We got the privilege of being able to acquire a company that was primed and ready to explode,” says Jordan. “All it needed was our fresh investment and the fresh influx of people.”

Tips for Growth

  • Invest in quality employees who know their customers and the industry. This translates into strengthened customer relationships.
  • Maintain new and updated equipment to appeal to customers and boost the confidence of staff members when promoting equipment sales.

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