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Ri$k Happens: Line of fire

By Angela Cady, AIC – Loss Analyst, ARA Insurance

June 9, 2024

Storms have seemed relentless so far this season. One rental store owner got a call about a fire on the rental store premises one stormy night. The culprit was not lightning, as one would expect.

The strong storm caused a power line to fall on a line of rental equipment parked in the rental store’s yard. The live wire caught the equipment on fire. Several units were severely damaged. Thankfully, power was cut to the line and the fire department was able to put out the fire. It did not spread to the building, and no one was hurt.

The rental store owner put in a claim for the damaged units which will be paid according to the policy language. The owner will rent substitute equipment to fulfill his needs and provide the rental contract and invoices to his adjuster to see if these can be reimbursed.

Never touch a downed line or anything touching a downed line. Always assume it is live. Call 911 immediately, or the emergency number that is applicable for your area.

This item, provided by ARA Insurance, Overland Park, Kan., contains safety tips and is intended to help readers better understand and manage risk. For more safety and risk management information, customers of ARA Insurance can log on to ReSource. Access is free, so if you haven’t signed up yet, contact your agent or call 800-821-650.     

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